Monday, September 8, 2008


I just recieved my book this morning so I will begin reading it tonight. When looking at the choices between books, I thought this one was rather interesting in the sense that it is one of the newest books on social media. Also, it contains a lot of "how to" information for those who do not know all that much about social media in general, such as myself. Once I get into the novel I will update my thoughts on this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Social media is something that every PA in the Coast Guard is trying to take advantage of. I was at the recruiting center in Battery Park NY and their PAC said he's always looking to get video on stuff because still shots are on their way out. More information can be delivered in a ten second video clip than in ten pictures. I'm also looking forward to learning more about the social media frenzy. -Jono P!